Tuesday, April 17, 2012

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New Loots! ^^
Was really bored out from studying today, felt so cooped up. So these are like just little cheap thrills I get to enjoy during the exam period. Heh, Mom got exasperated when she saw new parcels yet again... And I thought I'd start saving up during the exam period...

Can't wait to go on random adventure trips; getting hyped up over exploring quaint places and taking nice photos :) Time to start experimenting with the camera!


People get bored with childhood,
they rush to grow up,
and then long to be children again.

They lose their health to make money
and then lose their money
to restore their health.

By thinking anxiously about the future,
they forget the present, such that they live in
neither the present nor the future.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

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Great Night Out with the OUAM girls :)))))


This was always one of my favourite songs, I remember the times when the Kelly Clarkson version was on perpetual repeat on my trusty ol' Ipod Vid from 6 years back (Yes, it's still working how awesome right). Nostalgic much.

I am infinitely frustrated. I try my best all the time to put in effort for this friendship, but all it ever does is to turn around and bite me hard. I know friends come and go in life; and all the more I treasure this friendship because I know how difficult it is to find someone who understands you like that. I am unwilling to give up on this till the day I figure out what really happened and what was it that went wrong in the process of everything. All I'm asking for is just a reasonable answer.

When will I ever be able to reach out to you, my friend?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Photo by Shattered Infinity
Photo by Shattered Infinity

Live Strong and Fight like Hell.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

This is strangely addictive.