Suzhou, China
December 15 - 30, 2012
Finally had the time to get down to do up this post. Brought my G15 to China instead of the dslr - and unfortunately lost the first 5 days worth of photos :( so most of the earlier photos are koped from FB and cherm's cam. Sigh, still griping over the lost photos... But here goes, massive photo overload aheadddd !

First night in Suzhou - settled into our dorm rooms, ate some mad expensive hotpot meal and got our necessities. Crossing the roads in Suzhou is seriously a crazy feat, the buses and cars do not stop for you most of the time. :O
Day 2 - Made our way to Shanghai for a mini day trip on our own:

Having our first lunch in Shanghai at Wai Po Jia, with recommendations from Caryn and amazingly managed to meet up with Aliba in Shanghai ! And much thanks to Aliba who graciously brought us around Shanghai for some sight-seeing; really regretting losing our mad-trigger-awesome photos taken that night :') I swear the view we captured that night was so amazing. :(
Photos taken on the way and at the Bund:

Day 3 - Lessons begin officially:

Welcome to Suzhou University Campus - very old-school and rustic in a pretty way. And so, most of our lessons were conducted in the morning and then off to tourist attractions in the afternoon.
Lion Grove Garden and Pingjiang Road:


Hahahaha highlight of the day was when we paid $3 each to dress up in ancient chinese costumes to satisfy yils HZGG's dream hahaha.

The stupid things we do in China hahahah, and some random HK tourists actually thought we were filming a show lolllll much.
Suzhou Singapore Industrial Park:

And then early Christmas Celebration on campus! Had some mini concert put up by the other exchange students and enthusiastic us bought some red christmas hats to get into the Christmas spirit hahaha.

1st weekend back in Shanghai again - explored the Old Town of Shanghai and had some awesome XLBs at Nanxiang:

Continued exploring the remaining areas of the old town...

Walked to the Shanghai World Financial centre and then headed to Tianzifang:

Some pretty lights at TZF - why are there no places like this in SG?!? :(
Day trip to Hangzhou organised by the school - basically just a lot of sightseeing and travelling around. The guys were saying everything looked the same after a while hahahaha. That is trueeee but the heck with it as long as my camera is happy. hahaha.

Tired us after a long day of travelling. :< I realise I look damn tired in most of my photos... This is what too many late nights do to one :(
Surpriseeee back in Shanghai again for yet another day trip hahaha, even at the expense of lessons for this time round hahaha. Went to the famous JiaJia cafe for what was supposedly dubbed the best XLB by the guys - "Eat already can make you cry!"

SO DAMN GOOD PLEASE. Officially the best tasting XLB I have had in my life. DTF, what's that?!?! And so, we went on a XLB frenzy and ordered 12 baskets of XLB which meant 12x12=144 xlbs hahahah.
Ate, shopped and rushed back to Suzhou for the Christmas combined dinner and we even managed to release a Kong Ming Lantern !
First Christmas spent overseas - China was depressingly void of the Christmas spirit and much-needed decos :( So we basically spent the whole day at Tiger Hill and later roaming the cold streets; and when every tourist attraction starts to look almost the same, you just tend to come up with crazy poses and ideas to keep things fun...

YES WE PLANKED IN CHINA *pumps fist* hahahah seriously cannot stop laughing when I think of all the weird things we do in China.

Some Chou Tofu for you?

We also found a nice quaint cafe in the middle of school campus, scoreee! Our mini hangout after class on some days...

What we do in Class when we are bored hahaha:
And some Chinese calligraphy classes!

Headed to Pandora on one of the nights with the group and took super a lot of unglam photos, not posting the rest up here tyvm hahaha.

More touristy sight-seeings, Suzhou Museum:

And our last day in Suzhou :( Had the most epic quiz of my life (hahaha) and later roamed around campus taking photos.

Will miss jumping and strolling along these cold roads in winter. :(
Spent our last day back in Shanghai and went up the Pearl Tower this time round. Hahaha we were going batshit crazy over the transparent flooring and spamming photos like nobody's business.

And XLB lunch again thereafter...
A box full of 20 awesome XLBs for only SGD4 for you?
And so thankful that it snowed on our last dayyyyyy!

Albeit light, but still pretty enough :)
Was super apprehensive about the trip initially, but now I'm missing Suzhou much :(
Missing all the crazy batshit stuff we do in China - singing and harmonizing along the cold streets of Suzhou, christmas caroling with @supercharlotteee, planking on random spots in China, sprinting for our life in the cold winter, insane drinking nights till 3-4am and waking up for 830 classes thereafter, our pub nights, imitating the *** smile in our photos, our random walking shots at everywhere we go, dancing gangnam style in ancient chinese costumes, all the random Mushu/Pepper talks hahaha, crazy shouting karaoke nights at Alibaba, and the list goes on. And definitely gonna miss the weather there! 0 to -4 degrees - cold but so much better than this erratic sweltering heat in SG :<
Overall, met some really nice people over there and captured some really memorable shots and videos for keepsake. It has definitely been a well-spent 2 weeks with great company. Thank You for such an awesome trip to end off my 2012. :) Suzhou, I will miss you much :')