Five and Dime finally! Can't remember who was the one who told me the food was merely average there, so I didn't go today with much high expectations. But the food turned out much better than I thought! :D Great find, and good place to chill with a bunch of friends. I particularly liked the clean, simple interiors of the place!! :) And the cute reindeer which we were arguing if it would block the door or not hahaha.
Roamed around Ann Siang for a while thereafter:
Some really pretty lomo cameras! Maybe I should venture into lomo once again... But film development is such a tedious and expensive process :( Still remembering my Holga experiment from some time back which gave me nightmares hahaha.
On a side note, painful decision to make, but at least I know I'm gonna be doing something about it. About time actually. Moment to remember perhaps?