Sunday Brunch at Arbite with the girls this afternoon. Finally managed to visit this place after consistently seeing reviews about it on all the food blogs anddddd it was pretty okay! I thought the Tagliatelle was not that bad, but Trish said it pretty much felt like meepok hahaha. Was lucky to get a parking lot too - always, always died trying to park at serangoon gardens zzz.
Anyway, bummer that Kaii couldn't join us for brunch - that poor girl had to work on a Sunday!! :( Went to nex to disturb her after our meal hahaha, basically listening to her pitch and trying our best to absorb every bit of it. Kaii (if you're reading this) you can do it!!! :D:D $$$$$ hahaha. We'll brunch again sometime soon k ;)
Was playing around with the Enneagram personality test the other day, thanks to Jon, and my results at the end of it indicated that I was a Type VI. Not a huge surprise (to me, and most of my friends) as I knew I've always had some form of, as quoted by Joyce, "neuroticism" residing in me. Definitely no objections to that hahaha. But what puzzles me is how people around me continue to presume that I'm an E as classified by the MBTI test. Thought it was pretty indicative that I was and will always be an I, hmmm. Maybe I should retake my MBTI some time to verify that again. K sorry to bore with all the random musings hahaha, but studying personality traits is quite a pretty interesting field, eh?
THANKS BESTIE!!! :DDD yes i will persevere! hope i get an off on monday~ cant wait to meet up w you trish can kiong soon! <3
ReplyDeleteNp Kaii! :))) Just let me know when you're free!! :):)