Sometimes, I kinda regret having lost the momentum to blog a few years back... Like when I read my old entries in my old blogs, I sound so much more different. More expressive I think, and less restrained (albeit awkward and embarassing). As quoted from VD: "Memories are too important." Hahaha. Oh well, I need to jot down my thoughts more often. Having no space to pen down your daily musings is like not having any memories to speak of. Ok, I'm rambling.
Anyway, on an annoying note, I really don't like it when people start feeding me excuses when they don't want to commit to something. I can handle the truth, or rather I hope I can, so please just stop avoiding it. It is upsetting to know that perhaps you don't trust me enough to tell me what you really think.
Anyway, all things aside, last week of school with everyone still in hall.
Maybe when you stop treating something as your last, you wouldn't miss it so often.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
One of my favourite movies ever. Watched it when I was really young and I remember tearing up at parts of the movie... I remember it was pretty disturbing for me to watch it at that age, had nightmares and just pretty much cried alot over it. Maybe someday I will find the courage to rewatch this movie, but not now. For those who haven't heard of this movie, go watch it !
Friday, April 22, 2011

If you're a butterfly I'm suicide by insecticide
If I am kerosene then you're a spark
Just begging to ignite.
Craving for macarons at this hour, but I only have Taokaenoi within reach. Sad.
Anyway, these few weeks have been so damn tiring. Draining my physical and mental capacity. As of the moment, I really want to just sleep in for 48 hours... Maybe only then will I be better. But it will never happen of course. To get about 6 hours of sleep in a night is a blessing already. Sleep debt is one that will always remain in deficit. No matter what people always say, sleep debt can NEVER be repaid...
Kindof lost in my thoughts for the moment (as always), so I don't really know what to blog about... Just wanted to show these photos I took on a lazy afternoon out with my family. Note the Hello Kitty iphone cover (Hello Kitty Lawyer). Hahaha how apt...
Maybe when I can remember what I wanted to say, I'll reblog later. But for now, off to snooze. Long day ahead tomorrow. Yawns.
Happy Good Friday Everyone :)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Credits to Flickr
Paris and Prague.
Watching GG made me realise how beautiful these cities were and I really want to go there someday to take nice photos. To go there on a honeymoon and to climb the Eiffel Tower with your loved one. To see the sparkling cityscape under the nightsky for yourself. To relish the once in a lifetime experience of actually being in the City of Love and Lights.
I will be there someday.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I don't like the person I've turned out to be. In the past, I used to be more reserved, less sociable and I was more simple-minded. But at least I was happy. I don't like the idea of trudging through each day and various situations that come in your way, thinking you just have to live on. But for what purpose? I want to find my purpose in life, I want to prove my self-worth. But also at what cost?
I hate to admit it, but I just don't know what I want, and am too scared to fight for what I want.

Last photo credit to: Alvin
Hall life is coming to an end for the year, how fast time flies and how I wish everyone could stay on next year!! But we'll see... when the results come out. Appreciation Night was good, buffet onboard a boat at Marina. The boat was pretty cool, Cheryl and I concluded that it had a Titanic feel to it. Hahaha. And alot of people got slightly dizzy towards the end... ironic how the boat never sailed haha. But overall, an interesting experience !
Heard this on GG's soundtrack, super like!! It was played in this scene. Alright, too tired out from appreciation night... Head still slightly giddy from the boat. Shall post an update tomorrow!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hope your wishes come true and may you find a boyfriend soon!! HAHAHA.
Kinda sad that I didn't take many photos today, especially with the birthday girl!!! But at least we have a nice group shot :)
Alright off to bed soon. Need to wake up real early to start preparing for the weeks ahead. Sigh serious work overload.
Friday, April 8, 2011

My OPI&CG finally came! Shall attempt to paint my nails sometime and will upload photos of the final result! Can't wait to try out Black Shatter hehe.
Was kind of bored out from attempting to study for 114 tomorrow. How to study?! And am kind of bummed out cause there's so many things to do everyweek and when it all stops, it's time to study for the finals. Sigh, the tutors really think we only have one module each as a student.
Not looking forward to anything right now. My only consolation is food. Someone please go explore the little quaint cafes with me at Joochiat sometime??? Want to go to nice landmarks / places to take pretty photos too!!! Sigh, we all need more time...
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming
It's April already. I don't want May to come. Am really dreading it, and for many good reasons. But at the same time, I don't like how things are going right now. It's like being stuck in a limbo you can never get out of. I need to find my answer to all my questions.