You have never been in love, Until you've seen the stars, Reflect in the reservoirs.
And you've never been in love, Until you've seen the dawn rise, Behind the home for the blind.
Anne Hathaway as Catwoman, Andrew Garfield as Spidey and Emma Stone!!! Plus Johnny English!! HAHAHA
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
How I wish Starbucks could save my life too.
Random visuals from home. Feeling a little bored at home cause of a last minute cancellation of a would-be-awesome outing. Sigh. But well, at least I got a bit of work done :) Everybody's bu-bu-buzyyyy while I'm supahhh frreeeeeeee. :/
Bored bored bored, even the latest GG ep is not helping... Luckily there's VD and BBT TMR :} Lalala.
Communication. It's the first thing we really learn in life. Funny thing is, once we grow up, learn our words and really start talking the harder it becomes to know what to say. Or how to ask for what we really need. - Meredith Grey (Grey's Anatomy)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
OMG NEW BRUNO MARS SONG <333 Happy for now, makes up for the busy and long day heheheh :D
Monday, September 26, 2011
“You can’t ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event. Coincidence, that’s all anything ever is, nothing more than coincidence… There are no miracles. There’s no such thing as fate, nothing is meant to be.”
— 500 Days of Summer
Time should not be a deterrent. If you really want to do something, you will find the time to do it. It's about time you tried.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Feeling so damn bloated right now. Thought I should go for a change in lifestyle, so I went for a jog this afternoon. Only to eat a bowl of ramen with luncheon meat, kimchi and horfun to go along for supper. Naisseee. Old habits die hard huh. Haha
Anyway, our well-deserved (or so I think) one week break is finally here! But it's kinda sad that everyone's so busy even though I've finally got the time to spare. Oh well, must be a hint for me to hit the books. Downed a can of Nescafe, hopefully it will sustain me through the night. Gonna mug late night yeah!
Kay folks, shall end off with a song. I swear VD has one of the best tracklists ever! <3
Saturday, September 24, 2011
While waiting for Eug to arrive...
And this, is Jon's signature move. HAHAHA THIS PHOTO'S DEDICATED TO YOU JON!
Anyway, had a nice seafood dinner with HW, Eug and J yesterday. Seriously, I've been eating crabs way too often. $$ flying out the window thanks to that. I think, I've eaten crabs close to 5-6 times this month alone??! There was this particular week when I was just eating crabs for 4 days consecutively... No occassion, with different people. hahaha. Madness I know.
Photos ahead!
Starbucks for the night!
Anyway I revived my FS! was just feeling bored at home haha. Mainly using it to follow people's accounts but ask me anything too!
Off nowwwww. Bai.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Lately, I've been feeling so tired out. Perhaps it's the hectic school life, perhaps it's the daily crap that I had been facing in the past 3 weeks, perhaps it's all those little bits of unresolved problems that I choose to leave lying there that still haunts me. But nevertheless, I think I've reached an all new level of weariness.
I dread some moments of my life, which I know it's a sad thing to say out loud. I am 20, but I no longer have the energy of a 20 year old. I think 30, and I worry like I'm 40. Friends in all honesty, tell me I need to loosen up and stop being so serious. I guess I need to try harder.
I wish I had the guts to go for what I want in life. I know the usual 'life is too short to hesitate' routine, but it's really easier said than done. Feels like I'm just bumbling by every day. Much of my time is spent avoiding certain things and trying to think positive and convincing myself otherwise. My theory is that; if you don't think about it, you won't be bothered by it. Just hoping that things steer towards the better side. Recent events has just made me seen the ugly in certain things. Need for some good news. Well, I guess I am settling for the simple; to be contented. Not asking for much. Wow, am I growing old. :(
Random day, random reflection.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Big, Big Bang The reason I'm alive Where all the stars collide In this universe inside.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Celebrated PY's belated birthday at Oldschool's Timbre yesterday, never gonna go back in a long while... Service was pretty bad (at least towards us) and it was flooded with 18-19 year olds celebrating their birthdays... Makes us feel kinda old. Hahahahaha kay kidding. But yeah, time to find new places to explore!!! Was driving past Annsiang that day and saw loads of pretty nice shops!!! Shall go explore again during recess week which is in a weeks time. O'yeah ! Anyone wanna join me??? :)
Anyway yeah, so was really bored yesterday while waiting for the rest to arrive so we took a series of shots with the surroundings. Haha I think I was probably was too inspired by YW and YK's photo editorial project. And also thanks to J&J for entertaining me hahahahaah. But anyway, was blessed with super good lighting! Am happy the way the photos turned out... Gonna get better lens soon, so means even better photos! yipeeee.
And so, these few weeks haven't been the best weeks I've had so far, but I'm just really thankful for my friends who care and bother to help out whenever I approach them. Just wanted to say, it really means alot to me :) And I promise I'll be there for you when you need me. :)
Alright, one more week left. Let's go!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Random photos from my phone over the past week.
The whole of this week has been... tortuous mentally. Had to learn to deal with certain situations which made me invariably upset. Talked to certain people for long periods until I reached an answer. Thank you pals for being there to help me out :) And I swear PP/T1 are the best heartland places to hang out at. Was so frustrated the entire week, that I finally couldn't take it any longer on Friday so I just gave up on work and went to shop. This is why I like weekends, the fact that they allow me to escape from reality in doing the things I truly like. It's just like the East vs the West. So so so much more comfortable being in the Eastside :)
Anyway, food makes me happy ! Finally went to try the new pizza place in school. Pretty awesome, but the price is a little steep :/ Please bring in more of such cafes! And Starbucks toooooo :D
Oh and DND on Friday too :) Gonna be my second and my last experience too :) Doubt I'll go for DND next year (Ramly numbers are dwindling and so many new faces, many of whom I cannot recognise O.O), but oh well. I've learnt that people will always come and go in your life, and if you truly treasure a friendship you will make the effort to initiate meetups and to keep in touch. So no worries, no upset feelings! Must learn to live life with a light heart and a clear mind. I guess, after a while you get too worn out by alot of things, and you are just done with it all and when you take things as they come, life suddenly seems so much easier. May this keep up. :)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Happy Birthday Mommy!
Had a 24 course degustation at Dozo to celebrate Mom's upcoming birthday. It was insanely satisfying. The brownie cake was so damn good! Topped with vanilla icecream. Plus the gratinated escargots. Yummmmm :D Mad love good food, always makes my day :D
Anyway, been killing my wallet these few days by overspending much. I don't know, guess when the stress level goes up, I feel even more urge to spend. Always very happy when I receive a package in the mail :) The shopaholic in me is always ever-ready!!!
Oh, and the queue at H&M is mad long!! Wanted to go see the new place but totally stunned at the sight of the queue. Guess I've gotta wait for a few weeks...? And this season's Zara is mad nice!!! Eyeing some already, somebody please go with me?? :D